Life at the Dead Sea - חיים בים המוות
Ein Gedi, the beautiful oasis in the Judaean Desert the shores of the Dead Sea is a beautiful and surprising place full of water and life...
Israel in the Time of Corona - ישראל בימי קורונה
Guiding a group in the time of Coronavirus is a challenge. Many rumors. fears, uncertainties... but Israel is at it's best in this season...
From Las Vegas to Israel
(more Photos below) 13 Days in Israel with a lovely group from Las Vegas (Who weren't very impressed from the Israeli heat...). We...
King Herod from the desert to the sea בעקבות הורדוס מהמדבר לים
King Herod, who ruled Judea in the first century BCE, is known among other things as "Herod the Builder" and some of his most famous...